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Project Briefs

We are a group of creative individuals that have come together to add new twists and turns to the entertainment world.  We specialize in mini movies, television shows, and children's entertainment.  Currently we have one movie released, and two more in pre-production; one television show with 20 episodes aired; and one children's show in pre-poduction.



Our group came together in early 2010 when we began writing Dr. Mortose Commands, and gathering our actors, props & costumes.  Our first episode aired on October 2011 on GRTV, a local Grand Rapids, MI television station.  We have since finished nine more episodes.  However, because of some technical difficulties it is unclear when we will be able to release more episodes.  We are dilligantly working to correct this problem, and will keep you up to date on any new developments.


Our first movie short MEAT.PUPPETS is out.  For more details on when we are doing a showing check out the Movies tab under the PROJECTS.  This short film packs a wallop with a great twist at the end.  Contact us with any questions, or possible venues to show this and future movies.  This movie was the directorial debut for Roger Scholtz, and an acting debut for Larry Lutze; and also stars Ashley Short, Marjorie Pierson Yost, and Jessica Rose Van Netten.


Our newest project for the children's show line is SH'nanigans!  This will include puppets, kids pranks, cartoons, and random hijinks that are sure to entertain everyone.  We are still in the pre-production and writing phase, but hope to start filming soon.

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